Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dear Esther..

Esther is such a beautiful name. I never thought I would see it as the title of a computer game. Dear Esther is one of the most visually beautiful games I have ever played in my life. The score that accompanies this game is outstanding and haunting.

It is not your typical game in the sense that your only buttons are to move and look around you. You are set loose on a beautifully rugged island. As soon as the game starts we are greeted by the narrator who stays with us through the coming , fading in and out to give us more clues as to what is going on.

I recommended this to anyone and everyone. It is a new style of gaming that is really like reading a book. At the end of this game I was left with many questions and I don't think I will ever really know what happened. Everyone draws there own conclusion and no one knows if there one is right.

The Chinese Room ( the company who made this) will have a very successful career if there games stay on the high standard of elegance in terms of storyline and graphics.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Its raining out and currently 01.28 , so its a great night to be snuggled in Pjs and blankets. Here in Ireland you wouldnt believe it was summer with the amount of rain we have had. The whole country has been depressed by that and how we did in the Euro football thing.. Depression session.

I have been using Polyvore recently. I loveeeeee it. Cant wait to have abit of money so not only will I build sets but maybe be able to buy some of the stuff off them xD


You can find me here !

Tomorrow I will be a DJ for a graduating class of 12 year olds. I think I will need luck..

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Decided to give Photoshop a go. Very tough to get a hang of but I can see why people learn it. It is extremely fun :)

This took me a hour to do following a tutorial on Youtube.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWloOrUm9E&feature=g-vrec . I wrote out this video into some handy steps for anyone who wants to try this. Check out the tut though by Iogongod it is very good.

Word Picture Steps.
  1. Pick picture
  2. Go to select =Colour range= Shadows (Keep transparency always.) ctrl c and ctrl J to get a new layer
  3. Same again but pick Midtone.
  4. Turn off background layer.
  5. Select the midtone layer and go to the edit menu and fill with 50% grey.
  6. Select shadows layer and fill (edit) and use black colour.
  7. Merge two layers.
  8. New document and select text button (T).
  9. Past in the Paragraph.
  10. Select the rectangular marque and go to edit menu and brush present.
  11. Create 2 new layers.
  12. Select bottom one and ctrl backspace. Then hide it.( get it white)
  13. Select the top new one and get the brush you just made. Put opacity down to about 33%. Paint on.
  14. Select text layer and click the eye.
  15. Select the one with shadows and tones press ctrl a and ctrl c.
  16. On the text layer turn visibility on and background off.
  17. Add new layer mask on the text layer and press alt and the layer mask (it is now white). Ctrl V on the white layer mask. Ctrl d and ctrl I.
  18. Select the text and turn on the white back ground layer.
  19. Select text layer and go to add layer style and go to gradient. Pick colour and change blending to screen.
  20. Select a soft brush. Paint over the text layer using black as the foreground colour.

If you want just one word over and over.
  1. Add new layer
  2. Brush present with the word on it.
  3. Brush present window. Go to dynamics and scatter.
  4. Scatter on the new layer.
  5. Then click on the text layer and copy layer style and paste it on the new

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It begins alright


Here is a little about me for whoever stubbles across this page. My name is Hannah. I'm 21 and a student of Business in Ireland. Sounds super exciting huh ? I have a passion for music, fashion and make-up. So why not start a blogging about those particular things. I now join the other 3 million people doing this.

I will try be helpful and review products and other stuff and try to entertain myself and hopefully you too :).
I am currently a month into my summer holidays and need a hobby before I go crazy. 


As you see from my photo my current hair colour is a very dark/black brown. This happens to suit my colouring but at the same time I want to be bold and go a little punkier (don't think that is even a work but heck !) Any suggestions would be very much welcomed .

However platinum blonde is the current trend. I have wanted to dye my hair blonde for ages but don't know if I will ever be brave enough for platinum . It brings me back to 1950s and Marilyn Monroe. This was a beautiful era in terms of style and women and sadly I don't think we will ever be able to recreate that beauty today. Fashion is trying to from the hair to the make up to the clothing. This era is coming back in with a bang. I might get patches of blonde around to test first. My hair however is already in terrible condition from constantly being straightened


Boujois 123 Perfect
 I bought this foundation because like always when I tried it on my cheek in the chemist it matched my skin. When I got home this foundation turned into a disaster. The 123 perfect relates to the fact that it is meant to have 3 correcting pigments (yellow pigment to cover dark circles, mauve pigment which corrects dull complexion and green pigments for anti redness). I suffer from a case of Extreme blushing (OK maybeee that isn't the medical term). So much as mention I look red and my face will go up like a beetroot ! So I was delighted when I saw it had green pigment as I had bought Gosh green concealer which cost a pretty penny. However this is a very disappointing foundation. It is very thick and leaves streaks on my face and even though I bought the lightest colour there, under normal light it makes my face look orange.

I am wearing in the picture above and I must say it doesn't look that bad on a screen. But I had to powder my face to within an inch of its life to get rid of the orange. So if anyone is considering buying this and sees this post. I wouldn't if I were you :(

(sorry for the terrible picture)

Think that is enough for one day and it even managed to get rid of some boredom. Could get used to this.
